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4 Unique Australian Dog Breeds

Here at Kip we welcome all dog breeds to our Kip Hunter Valley dog hotel and Kip Brisbane dog hotel as long as they’re suitable for boarding. If you’re thinking about becoming a pet parent and not sure which Australian dog breeds to go for, this article will help you narrow it down. We’ll also talk a little about banned dog breeds Australia and Australian working dog breeds. We hope you’ll find this article helpful in your Australian dog breeds search, and that you’ll find a doggie breed – and doggie – to love and become part of your family. 

Dog Breeds Australia

There are a number of dog breeds Australia that you should know about. You’ve most likely heard of the dingo – Australia’s legendary wild dog. Many other awesome doggies call Australia home too, including the sweet and friendly Australian cobberdog, hard-working kelpie, peppy Silky terrier and many more. In this article, we’ll talk about a few of these dog breeds Australia and what makes them so special. 

Banned Dog Breeds Australia

But first, though, we should mention a few of the pooches on the banned dog breeds Australia list. If you’re looking to bring a precious pooch home to Aus, you’ll have to know these rules. Banned dog breeds in Aus include:

  • Pit Bull Terrier breeds 
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • Japanese Tosa
  • Perro de Presa Canario (or Presa Canario)

Most of the dogs on the list of banned dog breeds Australia are dogs known for their aggressive nature. The Dogo Argentino, for example, was bred for big game hunting, such as hunting wild boar. Mix breeds and breeds that look similar to any of the banned dogs are also restricted in Aus. Not all states and territories in Australia have the same rules on banned dog breeds, though. The Australian Veterinary Association [Link here] has more information on the dog breeds that are banned in Australia. 

Dog Breeds In Australia

The number of different dog breeds in Australia is as long as your arm! Of course, there are some breeds better suited to our Australian climate than others. These dogs can cover long distances, or deal well with the cold and heat. Now, we’re giving special mention to the following dog breeds in Australia – the dingo and the Australian kangaroo dog. 



The dingo is probably the most well-known dog breeds in Australia. It’s over 4000 years old and, although we love to say it’s an Aussie dog breed, it might actually have come from Asia! Dingoes cope well in Australia’s climate, but aren’t really suitable as pets. They’re aggressive, difficult to train and need a lot of space to run around. That’s not to say you couldn’t have one as a pet, though. They’re legal to own in some Aussie states and territories. For example, you don’t even need a license for one in New South Wales!

Australian Kangaroo Dog

If you’ve been doing your Aussie doggie swotting, you’ll have heard of the Australian Kangaroo Dog (or ‘roo dog for short!) They’re not, perhaps, one of the most famous dog breeds in Australia but they’re certainly worth a mention because of the unique reason they were bred. This pooch was popular in Aus because of its prowess as hunting dog. No prizes for guessing what they hunted, though – it’s in the name! Whilst they’ve not been around as long as dingoes, they’re not the new dog on the block either. You can find records of this hunting hound going back as far as 200 years. Nowadays they’ve been replaced in popularity by other working dogs, but you can still find these precious pups living on farms or large stations in Aus.

Best Dog Breeds Australia

The best dog breeds Australia are breeds that can cope with the changing Aussie climate. That means hardy hounds that can handle:

  • Heat
  • Cold
  • Dust
  • Long distances

Of course, what you consider to be on the best dog breeds Australia list depends on your preferences, where you live and how much space you have. To help you narrow down what your prospective pooch will be, we’ve put together an Australian dog breeds list. We hope you’ll find it helpful and that you’ll find a new four-legged friend.

Australian Dog Breeds List

On this Australian dog breeds list we’ll discuss a few of the Aussie doggies suitable as pets. They’re affectionate, loyal and great with families. These breeds also tend to cope well with the Australian climate and look absolutely adorable doing it.

Australian Cobberdog


‘Cobber’ is Aussie slang for ‘friend’. What better name for this friendly sweetheart? This Aussie doggie got its name for being a great family pet. Loyal, friendly and affectionate, this Aussie doggie is also a great therapy and assistance pet. The Cobber is a pure breed Labradoodle – and just as lovely. Their gorgeous coat, which can range from dark to light coloured, is hypoallergenic. This means it doesn’t shed much and produces less dander, which is what causes those irritating allergic reactions.   

Australian Silky Terrier

What this pup lacks in size, they certain make up for in gusto! This peppy pup is descended from Australian and Yorkshire terrier breeds and is most certainly feisty. Whilst their tendency to bark might drive your neighbours barking mad, these hot-blooded hounds can be easily trained. They’ve got a lot of energy for play and can live comfortably in an apartment if you can match their eagerness for exercise. Their long hair tends towards tangles, so you’ll want to brush it regularly. Good news, though, is that their luscious locks are hypoallergenic, so you won’t be doing too much sneezing when you’re doing all that brushing!

Tenterfield Terrier

The Tenterfield terrier is a tender breed. They love cuddles, are loyal to family and outgoing, making them a great addition to any loving home. Like Silkys, they can bark a lot. But you can easily train them to more tacit tones with a little bit of love and patience. Unlike the silky terrier, Tenterfields are easy to keep tidy. They don’t need much more than a weekly wash and occasional brush. Unfortunately, if you’re prone to the sniffles, you’ll want to steer clear of this pup, as they’re not hypoallergenic.

Australian Working Dog Breeds

Next we’ll discuss a few of the Australian working dog breeds. These dogs are all active, loyal and hard-working. Bad news for allergy sufferers, though – these hardy hounds may be hyper, but they’re not hypoallergenic. Because they’re bred to be active animals, they’re not well-suited to apartment living. They’re happiest doing a lot of exercise and with a lot of space to call home.  

Australian Cattle Dog

This hardy hound is bred for sheep herding and is happiest when out and about. These Aussie doggies need a lot of exercise to prevent them getting bored and wrecking the place. They’re fiercely loyal to family and suited to family life if you’re active and have a lot of space for them to run about. They will tend to nip anything that moves – cars, pets and even children. You can train them to know the difference between what’s nippable and what’s not, though. Because the Aussie cattle dog lives an active life you’ll probably have to bathe and brush them quite often. They only shed once or twice a year though, which is a plus if you’re not a confident groomer. 

Australian Kelpie

Kelpie’s are the doggie descendants of Scottish collie dogs, although many people think of them as a truly Aussie doggie. This Australian working dog breeds can cover long distances, which is why they’re used to herd sheep. Like many working dogs, Kelpie’s are also suited to search and rescue work or any kind of service work with an active pace. They’re loyal, intelligent and easy to train. Their coat doesn’t shed much and they’ve not got a tendency towards packing on the pounds like other dog breeds. 


The Koolie is another peppy pup that loves nothing more than working hard rounding up sheep, or as an active service dog. They’re a patient pup and don’t lean towards play. You can rely on them to get the job done. Their temperate nature can be mistaken for shyness. These Aussie doggies can be dominant and destructive if not kept active. Their short coat can be black, red or chocolate in colour and is short so it’s easier to keep clean. 

This is where we leave you, but we hope you’ve found this article awesome and that we’ve piqued your interest to find out more about the many precious pups that call Australia home. 

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