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Ultimate Guide to Puppy and Dog Vaccinations

Did you know that newborn puppies receive vital disease-fighting antibodies from their mother’s milk? While these antibodies give their immune system some early protection, they only last for the first few weeks of their life. That’s where vaccinations come in.

Vaccinations introduce safe agents into your puppy’s body, “teaching” their immune system to recognise and fight off dangerous viruses and bacteria.

This process not only helps them build their own antibodies to protect against preventable diseases but also reduces the spread of contagious illnesses, keeping other dogs and pets in the community safe.

Our dogs rely on us to keep them safe from harm, and vaccinations are a vital part of this responsibility. Vaccinating your dog protects their health from potentially life-threatening diseases and infections.

In this guide, we’ll dive into the key aspects of dog vaccinations, including Core and Non-Core Vaccines, Vaccination Schedules, and debunking common myths.

At , we know how important your pet’s health is, and we’re committed to helping you keep your pet safe and healthy for life.

Understanding Different Dog Vaccinations

To effectively protect your dog's health, it's important to grasp the differences between Core and Non-Core vaccines, know what diseases they guard against, and consider how your lifestyle and environment play a role.

The Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) aligns with the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) global guidelines for Core and Non-Core canine vaccinations, with some adjustments dependent on local diseases, individual risk factors, and the dog’s lifestyle.

Core Vaccinations

Core vaccinations are essential for all dogs in Australia, regardless of their lifestyle or location, as they protect against highly contagious pathogens that cause high mortality in dogs, especially puppies.

There are 3 Core Vaccines and what they protect against:

  • Canine Distemper (D): a viral infection of various organs, including the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, brain, and spinal cord.
  • Canine Adenovirus (H): a viral infection of the liver.
  • Canine Parvovirus (P): a viral infection of the gastrointestinal tract.

The Anti Rabies Vaccine (ARV) is also considered a core vaccine by WSAVA in countries where rabies is endemic. However, in Australia, where rabies is not present, it is not considered a core vaccine. ARV is only required for dogs travelling internationally from Australia.

Non-Core Vaccinations

Non-core vaccinations are optional and depend on your dog’s individual circumstances. However, if you plan for your dog to have a social lifestyle, such as visiting parks, attending daycare, participating in training clubs, or staying in boarding facilities, then these vaccinations become vital for their health.

The most common Non-Core Vaccines in Australia and what they protect against:

  • Canine Parainfluenza (Pi): also known as Canine Cough, a viral infection of the respiratory tract.
  • Canine Bordetella bronchispectica (Bb): also known as Canine Cough, a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract.
  • Canine Leptospirosis (L): a bacterial infection of multiple organs, particularly the kidneys.

The Pi + Bb combination is commonly referred to as the Canine Cough (CC) vaccination. At Kip, this is a non-negotiable requirement for dogs attending daycare or grooming salons or staying in boarding facilities.

Leptospirosis (L) is advised for dogs in rural or flood-prone areas where they might come into contact with contaminated water or wildlife. This bacterial infection can be transmitted between dogs and humans.

Other non-core vaccines and what they protect against include:

Canine Lyme Disease (Borrelia): a bacterial infection of the bloodstream, connective tissues, and multiple organs.

Canine Coronavirus (CCov): a viral infection of the gastrointestinal system - this strain cannot be transmitted to humans.

Lyme disease is primarily transmitted through tick bites. While the Borrelia vaccine can help reduce the risk of infection, it is not commonly available in Australia as Lyme disease is not endemic here. However, other tick-borne diseases are present in Australia, making tick prevention essential. Protect your dog with preventatives like an annual Heartworm injection or topical/oral treatments such as NexGard SPECTRA, Advocate, or Simparica Trio, and always consult your vet to determine the best options for your dog’s needs.

Canine Coronavirus (CCoV) vaccination is generally not recommended as a routine vaccine for most dogs and is more commonly used by breeders in specific circumstances. The decision to vaccinate against Canine Coronavirus should be made in consultation with your veterinarian and consideration of your dog’s lifestyle and risk factors.

The C5 Vaccination

In Australia, the most common vaccination for dogs is a C5, which combines the 3 Core (C3) components and 2 of the Non-Core components:

3 Core Vaccines (D + H + P) and 2 Non-Core Vaccines (Pi + Bb) = C5 Vaccination

This may appear like this on your dog’s vaccination certificate: DHPPiBb

Understanding the difference between Core and Non-Core vaccines is crucial due to their different expiration periods. Core (C3) vaccines can last from 1-3 years, depending on the type your Vet uses. Whereas, Non-Core components, like Pi and Bb, typically require annual boosters to remain effective and maintain your dog’s immunity.

Always consult with your Veterinarian to ensure your dog is up to date with the most appropriate vaccinations for their specific needs, local diseases, future events, and general lifestyle.

Creating and Maintaining Your Dog’s Vaccination Schedule

Being diligent with your dog’s vaccination schedule ensures their immune system is always prepared to defend against preventable and potentially life-threatening diseases. This not only keeps them safe but also helps protect the health and safety of other dogs in the community and is part of responsible pet ownership.


When you bring your puppy home, consult with your vet to confirm the specific vaccination schedule that is best for their individual needs.

A typical vaccination timeline starts in puppyhood and continues through adulthood, but we will also cover what to do if you adopt a dog with no vaccination record.

Puppy Vaccination Schedule

It is recommended that puppy vaccinations begin between 6-8 weeks of age and continue every 2-4 weeks until they are at least 4 months old.

  • First Puppy Vaccination (C3): given at 6-8 weeks of age
  • Second Puppy Vaccination (C5): given at 10-12 weeks of age
  • Final Puppy Vaccination (C5): given at 14-16 weeks of age

This vaccination schedule is designed so that each subsequent vaccine builds on the previous one. If the second or final vaccinations are not administered within the recommended 2-4 week timeline, you will need to restart your puppy’s vaccination schedule from the beginning again.

The Final Puppy Vaccine will provide immunity for approximately 12 months, and it’s standard practice to schedule the next vaccine about one year later. Always confirm this information with your vet, as your puppy’s schedule may differ from others.

Puppy-Vaccination Adult Dog Vaccination Schedule (C5)

Roughly 12 months following the completion of your puppy’s vaccination schedule, they will transition to an Adult Dog Vaccination Schedule where booster vaccines are typically administered every 1-3 years as some vaccines offer long-lasting protection, while others may need more frequent boosters.

As a reminder, the C5 vaccination consists of two components with different periods of expiration:

  • C3 Vaccine (D + H + P): Protects against Distemper, Parvovirus, and Hepatitis, and provides immunity for 3 years.
  • Canine Cough (CC) Vaccine (Pi + Bb): Protects against Parainfluenza and Bordetella bronchispectica, and provides immunity for 1 year.

Some vets administer a single combined C5 vaccine annually, while others provide C5 coverage by giving the C3 vaccine every three years and the Canine Cough vaccine annually.

It’s important to understand how your vet administers a C5 vaccination, not only so the dog’s immune system is always prepared but also to ensure that they are fully vaccinated for environments such as daycare, grooming salons, training clubs, and most importantly, boarding facilities.

Vaccination Administration

Vaccines can be administered in a few different ways, depending on whether they are Core or Non-Core vaccines, with each method having its own ‘time to immunity’ i.e., the period it takes for the vaccine to become effective in your dog’s immune system.

The table below details how each vaccine can be administered, its time to immunity and expiration periods:

Vaccination Type Core or Non-Core Administration Method Time to Immunity Next Vaccination Due Date
C3* = D+H+P Core Injection 7-14 days 1-3 years
Canine Cough (CC) = Pi+Bb Non-Core Intranasal or Oral 3-5 days 1 year
C5 = C3* + CC Core + Non-Core C3 = Injection
CC = Intranasal or Oral
7-14 days C3 = 1-3 years
CC = 1 year

*It’s worth noting that the C3 Vaccination can only be administered via an under-the-skin injection.

Understanding the ‘time to immunity’ is especially important in cases where a dog requires full C5 coverage for a boarding stay (happening within a week), and the ‘Canine Cough’ component of the C5 vaccination has expired, while the C3 component is still in effect. The solution would be to administer an intranasal or oral ‘Canine Cough’ vaccine to provide immunity within 3-5 days before the boarding stay commences.

Always consult your vet to confirm they offer these alternative methods as well as determine whether they are the best option e.g., the intranasal method is not generally recommended for flat-faced breeds.

Side Effects of Vaccines

Vaccines are generally safe and effective in protecting your dog from infectious diseases, but, like all medical treatments, they can cause some side effects. It's important that we are aware of both common and less common side effects to monitor after a vaccination.

Common side effects of these vaccines include mild tenderness or swelling at the injection site or, if given intranasally, sneezing, coughing, or nasal discharge may occur. Your dog may also experience a low-grade fever, loss of appetite, and general fatigue.

Although rare, some dogs may experience more severe reactions such as hives, difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, facial swelling, or even severe allergic reactions may occur. Always seek immediate veterinary attention in these cases.

Most side effects are mild and dissipate within 24-48 hours, but your vet can provide guidance if you have concerns or if your dog experiences any unusual reactions after a vaccine.

Sleeping dog What to Do if You Adopt a Dog with No Vaccination Record

If you adopt a dog with no vaccination history, it’s important to take certain steps to ensure their health and safety, as well as the well-being of other dogs in the community.

The first step is to treat the dog as unvaccinated. Keep them isolated from other dogs, especially puppies or those with compromised immunity, until they are properly vaccinated or their vaccination status can be determined.

The next step is to schedule a vet appointment as soon as possible. The vet will assess your dog’s health and may recommend a ‘titer blood test’ to check for existing antibodies from previous vaccinations.

However, it’s more common for the dog to be assumed to have no immunity and start a full course of core vaccinations. This means the dog will follow a Puppy Vaccination Schedule before transitioning to the Adult Dog Vaccination Schedule.

It's important to note that re-vaccinating a dog with an unknown history is a safe and common practice in animal shelters and rescue organisations.

Keeping Vaccinations Records

As previously mentioned, the Puppy Vaccination Schedule is designed so each vaccine builds on the previous one, and this principle also applies to the Adult Dog Vaccination Schedule.

Missing an annual or triennial booster can significantly reduce the effectiveness of previous vaccines, and in some cases, your dog may need to restart the Puppy Vaccination Schedule to regain full protection. This is why it’s crucial to keep track of their schedule and ensure they are always up to date.

Here are some helpful tips to keep track of your dog’s vaccinations:

  • Use a Vaccination Record Book so your vet can log each vaccination type, the date administered, the administration method, and the next due date.
  • Set Calendar Reminders or Pet Health Apps to store information and send you an alert for when they are next due.
  • Share Vaccination Records with Boarding, Daycare, and/or Grooming facilities prior to attending to ensure they meet any required standards.
  • Create Digital and/or Physical Records by taking photos of your dog’s vaccination records and storing them in a dedicated folder or binder for your dog’s health records.

Keeping track of your dog’s vaccination schedule is part of responsible pet ownership. It ensures their immune system stays ready to fight off infections, safeguarding your dog’s health while also preventing the spread of infectious diseases to other pets and the community.

Medical-Records Puppy Vaccinations and Socialisation

Puppies aged between 4-16 weeks are especially receptive to new experiences and naturally inclined to engage with people, animals, and their surroundings. During this critical period, proper socialisation is essential, alongside the completion of their Puppy Vaccination Schedule.

So, how do we balance these two crucial factors, one focused on building behavioural strength and resilience and the other on providing medical protection against life-threatening illnesses?

At first glance, the answer seems simple: wait until they are fully vaccinated before socialising. However, the reality is more complex. Lack of socialisation during this early window can have severe long-term consequences, often outweighing the risks of contracting infectious diseases.

Poor or improper socialisation can lead to severe behavioural issues, potentially resulting in life-threatening outcomes such as behavioural euthanasia or relinquishment.

The key is to socialise safely, and luckily, there are many safe and effective ways to socialise your puppy while they complete their Puppy Vaccination Schedule!

Check out our Puppy Vaccinations and Safe Socialisation Guide & Checklist for ways to safely socialise your puppy.

Vaccination Requirements for Dog Boarding and Daycare Facilities

Dog boarding and daycare facilities across Australia have strict vaccination policies to ensure the health and safety of all pets in their care. A current C5 vaccination is a non-negotiable requirement for entry, designed to limit the spread of infectious diseases and comply with each state’s Code of Practice.

At Kip, all dogs must have a valid C5 vaccination and provide proof of their vaccination status to board or attend daycare.

  • For boarding, puppies can stay once they are at least 4 months old and have completed their full Puppy Vaccination Schedule, including a 10-day waiting period after their final vaccine.
  • For daycare, puppies can attend 10 days after their second puppy vaccination (C5 or equivalent).

Without proof of a current C5 vaccination, your dog cannot be admitted to our facilities.

Pro Tip: Before booking your dog’s stay at Kip, always check when their next vaccination is due to ensure they don’t expire before or during their stay.

Happy stay Common Myths and Misconceptions About Dog Vaccinations

By now, we know that vaccinations work by introducing safe agents into the dog’s body which, in turn, builds antibodies that protect them and others from preventable illnesses, essentially “teaching” their immune system to recognise and fight off dangerous viruses and bacteria.

However, several myths persist that can discourage owners from vaccinating their dogs, let’s unpack a few common ones:

Myth #1: “Vaccines aren't necessary if my dog is always indoors.”

Fact: Indoor dogs are still susceptible to diseases as infectious agents can be brought into the home through our clothing, footwear and other objects. Additionally, airborne pathogens can travel into yards, posing a risk even to dogs that do not go outside frequently. Dogs kept exclusively indoors may be at a higher risk of contracting diseases due to a lack of exposure to various pathogens that help build their immune systems.

Evidence Source: Associations between dog keeping and indoor dust microbiota (2021)

Myth #2: “Vaccines cause more harm than good.” Fact: Vaccines have a proven safety record, and their benefits far outweigh any potential risks. Modern vaccines undergo extensive testing to ensure they are safe, and adverse reactions are rare.

Evidence Source: 2022 AAHA Canine Vaccination Guidelines (2024 Update)

Myth #3: “Once vaccinated, my dog is protected for life.”

Fact: While vaccinations provide immunity, they do not guarantee lifelong protection. Vaccinations are designed so that each subsequent vaccine builds on the previous one, whether for puppy vaccinations or annual/triennially vaccine boosters, for them to remain effective and provide your dog with immunity

Evidence Source: Three-Year Duration of Immunity for Canine Distemper, Adenovirus, and Parvovirus After Vaccination with a Multivalent Canine Vaccine (2004)

Common Kip Customer FAQ’s about Vaccinations
  1. What type of vaccinations does my dog need to board or attend daycare?
    Dogs must have a current C5 vaccination and provide proof in order to board or attend daycare.
  2. How often does my dog need vaccinations?
    Puppies require a series of vaccinations at 6-8 weeks, 10-12 weeks, and 14-16 weeks. Adult dogs need booster shots annually or triennially, depending on the vaccine type.
  3. How long do vaccinations last?
    Core vaccinations generally last between 1-3 years. Non-core vaccinations, depending on the type, may need more frequent boosters. Always confirm when the next vaccinations are due with your vet.
  4. What happens if my dog's vaccinations have lapsed?
    Vaccinations are most effective when administered according to schedule, as each dose builds on the immunity provided by previous ones (this includes puppy vaccinations that build on the antibodies in the mother’s milk). If your dog’s vaccinations have lapsed, they may no longer be adequately protected against infectious diseases. The course of action depends on how long the lapse has been; your veterinarian will determine whether your dog needs to restart the entire puppy vaccination schedule or if they can receive a standard booster shot to restore immunity.
  5. How long does it take for a vaccination to work in my dog’s system?
    This depends on the method of administration. An under-the-skin injection generally requires 7-14 days to provide effective immunity, whereas an intranasal or oral administration only requires approx. 3-5 days.
  6. What's the waiting period before my puppy can board after their final puppy vaccination?
    Great question! Puppies can board from 4 months of age, provided they’ve completed all of their puppy vaccinations and the 10-day waiting period has passed since the final vaccine:
    • 6-8 weeks: 1st Vacc. (C3)
    • 10-12 weeks: 2nd Vacc. Booster (C5)
    • 14-16 weeks: 3rd and Final Vacc. (C5)
    • 10-days after FINAL Puppy Vacc: Ready to board!
  7. When can my puppy attend daycare?
    At Kip, your puppy can start attending dog daycare 10 days after their second puppy vaccination as long as it’s C5 or equivalent.
  8. What happens if my dog’s vaccinations expire during a stay?
    If it’s known in advance that your dog’s vaccinations will expire during their stay, you will need to have them vaccinated before the stay begins. If the lapse is discovered during their stay, the exact course of action will depend on the timing of your dog’s departure and the policies of the facility:
    • With permission, the facility may arrange for your dog to be vaccinated at a local clinic.
    • You may be asked to collect your dog as soon as possible to minimise the risk to other pets in care.
  9. Are there any risks associated with vaccinating my dog?
    Vaccines are generally safe, with side effects being rare. Mild reactions like swelling or lethargy may occur, but serious reactions are uncommon. Always consult your vet if you have concerns.
  10. How much do dog vaccinations typically cost?
    In Australia, the cost of dog vaccinations can vary depending on location, the clinic, the vaccination type, and the method of administration, but they generally range from $50 to $150 for puppy vaccinations and boosters for adult dogs.

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